Friday, February 5, 2010

Things to do When on Bedrest #3: Veg

My great friend C sent me the DVDs of Lipstick Jungle, the NBC show with Brooke Shields that was cancelled after two seasons. I had already watched the pilot episode (it was free on iTunes at one point) and I thought it was ok, so I was happy to have some time to watch the whole thing.

The following are some things I learned from my Lipstick Jungle marathon:

1. I miss New York very much. All those images of NYC in lights, people moving busily in all directions, the skyscrappers in sunlight... I didn't cry or anything, but I definitely felt something tugging. It's telling that the episode I liked the least is when they went away to that B&B somewhere in the Hudson Valley.

2. Successful NY women do not feel compelled to match their earrings with their necklaces. This was a huge relevation for me, personally. I always try to ensure that if I wear a bold necklace, I don't clash it with earrings so I always go with small studs or no earrings at all. Well, Nico and Wendy would have it no other way. I was wowed (but not personally convinced).

3. Successful NY women do not take off their jewelry when they are at home. Wendy is always wearing her big rings in bed. Victory wins here though - she takes off her huge clip-on earrings AFTER her escapades with Bob the Builder, and did I mention they were clip-ons?

4. Successful NY women do not worry about losing their bags. When they were stranded on a rural highway and Joe's two cars came to get them, Nico ran into the other car with just her handbag and Wendy just went in with nothing at all. They did not worry about their luggage staying behind in their rental car that needs to be towed away to some remote town hours from NYC.

5. Andrew McCarthy has a pout that I am not sure is intentional, and when he combines the said pout with a slight squint, I find the overall look somewhat disturbing.

6. Brooke Shields is a giant. I feel sorry for men like Sal who has so many scenes with her.

7. Lindsey Price is 1/2 Korean. That makes me like her a bit more than I would have normally, I guess.

Back to vegging. I've already finished three books in my two weeks. Life is good.

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