Wednesday was the start of the annual winter sales here. Unlike the US, where retail stores can hold sales anytime they please, here in France they are allowed two official sales periods, once in January - February and another in June - July. Supposedly this encourages fair competition among the retailers - well, another thing this encourages is mad crowds on the first day of the sales.
Granted, no news reports of people in stampedes a la Walmart after Thanksgiving, but since the sales always start on a Wednesday and many women do not work on Wednesdays (see posting on elementary schools closing every Wednesday), it can be really crazy. I stepped out with the kids last year and promptly came back home - it was utterly unmanageable, especially with Manolee in the stroller.
The French take the Soldes (sales) very seriously. People strategize for weeks ahead of time - which stores to hit in which order. People go ahead of time and try on things and cozy up with the salespeople to try to put things on hold (heard this was illegal, but many people try and succeed anyway). Always seems to be a big topic with the moms at school. People buy things ahead, meaning, they will buy clothes for next year and the year after. I am not yet used to such strategizing, such is my habit of just buying what I need or want when I need or want. But with the recession supposedly in full gear, maybe I will get my head in order - but does that makes sense? Spend money in a recession to save money in the future? Not convinced.
Happy sale-ing!
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