Friday, December 26, 2008

Xmas 2008

Hoping everyone had a great Xmas.... I had no illusions this year about getting a car from PY. I had actually very little material things on my (mental) list, such is the (sad?) fact that I shop quite a lot for myself and need nothing. 

Manolee had quite a long list, however. To keep her from bothering us while I help Hana do her homework, I gave her a rather thick toy catalog to look through and suggested that she circles what she wants. Well, she started out circling individual items, but after a couple of pages she realized by herself that she was circling everything on certain pages - so then she started to circle entire pages. She then said that if Santa does not get her everything she circled it's ok, because her birthday will be soon after ... sigh...

Hana had a very short list. Is it a sign of maturity? Or utter abundance that she has everything she wants already (the apple does not fall far from the tree?) - either way, the fact that she is not outwardly greedy just makes me want to kiss her. 

"Les Fetes" continues on... Here is a pic of the girls in front of their grandma's Xmas tree. 

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