Thursday, May 19, 2011

(Slightest) Brush with Crime

Last Friday I took the girls to the dentist. It was just a check-up so it took no time at all. So afterwards I took the girls to Bebe N Kids, which is what appears to be the only toy store on the French side of the island. The girls loved it, since they do not go shopping at all here (except Manolee, who does not mind tagging along to the supermarket from time to time). I then remembered that Hana needed a new ruler for school, so we went to the stationery store around the corner. There was not much at the store and Hana didn't see what she needed, so we walked out and got in the car. I happened to look at the time in the car, it was 4:13pm.

On Monday, I saw on the paper that that very store was held up at 4:15pm Friday!

There have been a spate of robberies on the island - last week there were three that I know about. The post office across the street from us was held up a few months ago and never opened its doors again (I think the French postal workers are really milking it). On the one hand, I know robberies can happen anywhere and everywhere, you just gotta take precautions and move on with life. On the other hand I feel pretty unsafe walking around town even in broad daylight, because all the robberies that I have heard about have happened during the daytime. Of course there is crime in NYC but I never feel unsafe walking around Manhattan, even late at night.

People say that things are much worse in places like Jamaica and Dominican Republic, but that is small consolation of course. I'm gonna go knock on some wood right now.

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