Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sad to leave NYC...

You can see why...


Seriously, my pack-and-panic routine has officially started as we go back to France Monday night. I did not buy that much this trip, but already my two big suitcases are full and I have lots of stuff left to go, hence the panic. For all the traveling I have done, I am an extremely poor packer. I can do ok for myself, but for the kids? I brought outfits and shoes for all possible permutations of weather and activities, and then some (however I neglected to do the same for the actual plane ride over, ending up with Manolee underwear-less for the last three hours of the flight following an unfortunate seating accident on the plane toilet). Aargh. Re-packing and re-thinking what I REALLY must bring back starts tomorrow morning (do I really need to bring back the unbreakable plastic pitcher I grabbed on sale at Target? The Bendaroos the kids begged me to buy? Can the kids survive without Pop Tarts and Easy Macs until the next trip?)...

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