Friday, June 6, 2008

Hana hits 8!

My Hana is 8 years old! A veritable "tween"...

She rolls her eyes when Manolee wants to watch Barbie DVDs - she prefers Hannah Montana or Cory in the House.

She sighs when I show her a new top I bought for her, then patiently explains, "mama, just because YOU like orange does not mean that I like orange too" - then walks out of the room.

She has stopped talking about or telling me about boys in her class.

She goes to the bathroom at restaurants BY HERSELF.

I look at pictures of Hana as a baby and my heart just breaks! Such a big girl now! And getting bigger by the day... and so pretty... mine is certainly not the first heart she will be breaking, that is for sure.

Happy Birthday, sweet Hanaya!